On Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 06:13:41PM +0100, Pascal Hambourg wrote:
> Le 27/12/2017 à 16:07, Mark Fletcher a écrit :
> > 
> If you want to check this you can just try to accept any packets forwarded
> from the internal interface to itself.
> iptables -A FORWARD -i enp0s20u3 -o enp0s20u3 -j ACCEPT

Putting this near the beginning of my iptables script, and changing a 
later command that inserted a rule right at the top of the FORWARD list 
to always drop ctstate=INVALID packets, resulted in me being able to ssh 
from my Stretch box to the PI.

That means that, if the goal were only to get a working setup, that has 
now been achieved. However, if you'll indulge me further, I'm now very 
curious about how I can get the AirStation to have a sensible routing 
table -- surely it must be possible. Beyond the man pages for DHCPD is 
there a good reference anyone can recommend for exactly what happens 
when a DHCP request is made?

> Yes, DHCP has two options : static-routes (classful) and
> rfc3442-classless-static-routes (not defined natively in ISC dhcpd AFAIK,
> managed by ISC dhclient with a custom script). However if the client does
> not even handle the netmask correctly, I doubt that it accepts these
> options.

By "not even handle the netmask correctly", do you mean "not even 
properly infer from a netmask of and IP address of that it should be able to talk directly to any computer in, and hence not try to send such connections via its 
default gateway"?

I'm going to play with static-routes first -- first will have to read up 
on the difference between a classful and a classless route... 

In the meantime I built tcpdump on both the PI and the firewall, fired 
it up on both and attempted to ssh to the PI from the Stretch desktop 
machine. This was before modifying the firewall rules. I added a -w 
option to the tcpdump command suggested by Pascal because my 
connectivity to both the firewall and the PI is itself by SSH as I don't 
have enough keyboards and displays to let them all have a console 
connected -- so if I let them get chatty to stdout the result is more 
packets to report on... it quickly got out of hand the first time I 
tried it and at best there would be a lot of noise. So I had it dump the 
captured packets to files, with minimal screen activity while it did so, 
and looked at the dumped files after the fact using tcpdump -r <file> | 

I managed to keep the time of the dump fairly short and so there were 
something like 12 packets in the PI log and 30-odd in the firewall log.

I noticed the connection attempt to the PI arriving first at the 
firewall, then the firewall sending the AirStation an ICMP redirect. 
Around that time there is a packet that says it came from the AirStation 
in the PI log, and a response directly from the PI to the AirStation -- 
which as I'd expect isn't reflected in the firewall log -- so indeed, 
that initial outreach attempt gets forwarded by the firewall.

(I _can_ post the logs, but did not do so so as not to spam the list)

The PI's attempt to reply to the AirStation is repeated 3 times over a 
roughly 3-4 second period, with no sign of anything coming in from the 
AirStation during that time (in the PI log). Interleaved with that there 
are attempts from the AirStation to give packets to the firewall for 
forwarding to the PI, which are NOT matched by packets in the PI log.

So it's just like you surmised, Pascal -- the firewall is being involved 
in the communication at first by the AirStation, it forwards the first 
packet but doesn't forward subsequent packets because it's expecting to 
see the PI's reply and never does, at which point my iptables rules as 
they stood were stepping in and blocking packets.

If I change the iptables rules everything starts to behave.

So the remainder of the issue becomes, how does one persuade a Buffalo 
AirStation to properly set its routing table on its WAN side after 
receiving an IP Address by DHCP? I'll read up about the static-routes 
next -- got nothing to lose by trying it.


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