On Wed 03 Jan 2018 at 19:33:28 (-0500), bw wrote:
> On Wed, 3 Jan 2018, Felix Miata wrote:
> > 
> > How did *you* figure out to try apt-cache _pkgnames_ to get a search to 
> > include
> > packages' versions?
> well, see that's the thing.  In debian, kernel packagenames include 
> the arch and ver in them.  This wouldn't work for mc for instance or other 
> packages.
> The criticism about the different apt commands is a good one.  I think the 
> idea is to merge some of them into just 'apt' but so far all we have is 
> show and search, shortcuts for apt-cache.


The reason some of us continue to use apt-foo and would like
continued support for them is that they are stable in what
they do and what they output.

This is not meant as a criticism of apt/aptitude, but because
it's difficult to script a moving target.


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