On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 06:42:41PM +0100, deloptes wrote:
> Dave Sherohman wrote:
> > What is the recommended method for preventing grub from using UUIDs to
> > refer to filesystems in the current Debian stable distribution?
> what is the reason to avoid UUIDs? (if not very private)

The specific system where this is an issue is a backing image used as
the master for eight cloned developer virtual machines, so that each of
our devs can have their own private space to work in which mimics the
production server and can easily be reset to a pristine state by
throwing out the clone and making a new one.  In the cloning process,
the disk and LVM volume UUIDs are discarded and new UUIDs are generated
(which makes sense, because it's no longer the same disk or same
volume), but grub is still looking for the original UUIDs and drops into
a recovery shell when it fails to find them.

At this point, I have the rest of the process automated.  The one step
that still requires manual intervention is walking grub through the
first boot of the system and telling it to boot from (lvm/system)
instead of (lvm/[vg UUID]/[volume UUID]).

Dave Sherohman

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