Op Wed, 24 Jan 2018 10:53:17 +0100 schreef <to...@tuxteam.de>:

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On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 10:21:45AM +0100, Floris wrote:
Op Tue, 23 Jan 2018 20:44:19 +0100 schreef OECT T <oect_1...@hotmail.com>:


>I searched into Synaptics package manager and noticed that the
>package is not marked with the Debian icon >indicating that the
>package is not supported.
On my system (Debian sid) aptitude has the Debian logo in synaptics.

Folks, learn to use the web site. Just surf over to [1] and you can
query the current package database. For example, entering "aptitude"
into the form and choosing "any" as Distribution shows you what
distributions carry aptitude as a package [2] (and which versions
of said package are in each distrib).

Thanks for explaining how to use the internet /s

For aptitude, it turns out that aptitude is in wheezy (aka 7, aka
(currently) oldoldstable), jessie (aka 8, aka oldstable), stretch
(aka 9, aka stable), buster (aka testing) and sid (aka unstable).

Thus either the icon in Synaptics is wrong (check your package
sources, check your update status) or whatever Synaptics is trying
to tell you with this icon is not what you think it's telling you.

Maybe you could point the OP a way how to find out what is wrong?

Personally, I've perceived Synaptics as pretty unpredictable, but
I've never found out whether it's the program or it's me.

Synaptics is very useful for users who wants a GUI for apt or dpkg. But I agree with you when there is a dependency issue it isn't very useful.

[1] https://packages.debian.org/
[2] https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=aptitude&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all
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