On Sat 17 Feb 2018 at 09:01:07 (-0600), John Hasler wrote:
> Richard Owlett writes:
> > A sketchy preliminary web search doses not look promising.  I'll
> > initially experiment with KDE.  Is there a recommended site that gives
> > a good description of why and how one would use [FVWM] {similar to what
> > <https://www.datamation.com/open-source/how-to-setup-kde-activities.html>
> > does for KDE}?
> <http://www.fvwm.org/> is what there is.
> There is a plethora of man pages, of course.

If you like configuring by example, then reading through
/usr/share/fvwm/default-config/config while running fvwm
is invaluable.

These older links might be helpful:


The latter includes:

17.11. Starting Windows on Different Desktops and Pages

but beware of cutting and pasting directly from texts
like these in case they're from a previous version
(though fvwm moves pretty slowly). In particular, just
check they're not from fvwm1 which, remarkably, is
still packaged in stretch.

People used to post their fvwmrc/fvwm2rc files in days
of yore; googleable, good for new ideas.


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