On 02/28/2018 07:34 AM, Dan Purgert wrote:
Curt wrote:
On 2018-02-28, Dan Purgert <d...@djph.net> wrote:
Thomas George wrote:
The printer has no physical control panel. I can only change the
settings if I can reach it through its IP address.
Many printers will print a "self-test" or "configuration" page when
holding the "online" button for 5-10 seconds.

I suppose if someone a decade ago created a login ID and password for
the web interface that the OP ignores, that could spell trouble.
Pretty sure most printers have a "forcibly reset" button combo too. On
my brother, it's "press and hold the big button on the corner whilst
turning on, hold for ~20 seconds".
Not this one. Factory reset is described in the manual, requires IP connection

IIRC you know it's worked when it prints out a "default config" report.

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