Hello folks,

Let's say I have two kernels -- the default that's maintained by the distro, and one that I'm playing with that I compile from source to get dpkgs.  Call the distro one linux4.4 and "mine" -- linux4.16 (for reference, all this is playing out on an ubuntu system...not sure if that will garner me some eyerolls.... ;) ).

I'm using 4.16 to test the effects of BFQ, and 4.4 because I need a fallback.  With that in mind, I'd like to pass the kernel parameter "elevator=bfq" to 4.16 ONLY (and not 4.4).

Does anybody know where to look to add this to /etc/default/grub.cfg without passing the parameter to all kernels that are then found after grub-mkconfig (which will inevitably run after a few instances of sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade)?


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