When booting knoppix i've compiz 3d support and the system runs faster
than the installed one .. :X

best regards,

Am Sonntag, den 11.03.2018, 18:22 +0100 schrieb stuv:
> Hi everyone,
> i've installed debian 9 stable and everything is working so far..
> one of the troubles is the graphics - it has an intel and an amd
> radeon
> card installed and at boot time (after grub) i've to enter my
> username/pw to procceed (just hitting enter does the thing also)..
> i tried everything like firmware-amd-graphics or firmware-misc-
> nonfree
> and other stuff but i'm not able to get rid of the login nor do i get
> the 3d card working :X
> here the data you need to help me to resolve the issue(s): (http://pa
> st
> e.debian.net/1013384/)
> System:    Host: walkstation Kernel: 4.9.0-4-amd64 x86_64 (64 bit
> gcc:
> 6.3.0)
>            Desktop: Cinnamon 3.2.7 (Gtk 3.22.11) dm: lightdm Distro:
> Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)
> Machine:   Device: laptop System: LENOVO product: 20EV003EGE v:
> ThinkPad E560 Chassis: type: 10
>            Mobo: LENOVO model: 20EV003EGE v: SDK0J40697 WIN UEFI:
> LENOVO v: R00ET54W (1.29 ) date: 05/18/2017
> Battery    BAT0: charge: 43.6 Wh 100.0% condition: 43.6/47.5 Wh (92%)
> volts: 12.4/10.8
>            model: SANYO LNV-45N1 serial: 1352 status: Discharging
> CPU:       Dual core Intel Core i7-6500U (-HT-MCP-) cache: 4096 KB
>            flags: (lm nx sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 ssse3 vmx)
> bmips:
> 10368
>            clock speeds: min/max: 400/3100 MHz 1: 438 MHz 2: 437 MHz
> 3:
> 400 MHz 4: 459 MHz
> Graphics:  Card-1: Intel HD Graphics 520 bus-ID: 00:02.0 chip-ID:
> 8086:1916
>            Card-2: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] Mars [Radeon HD
> 8670A/8670M/8750M]
>            bus-ID: 02:00.0 chip-ID: 1002:6600
>            Display Server: X.org 1.19.2 drivers: modesetting
> (unloaded:
> fbdev,vesa)
>            tty size: 191x22 Advanced Data: N/A for root
> Audio:     Card Intel Sunrise Point-LP HD Audio driver: snd_hda_intel
> bus-ID: 00:1f.3 chip-ID: 8086:9d70
>            Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture v: k4.9.0-4-amd64
> Network:   Card: Intel Ethernet Connection I219-V driver: e1000e v:
> 3.2.6-k bus-ID: 00:1f.6 chip-ID: 8086:1570
>            IF: enp0s31f6 state: up speed: 100 Mbps duplex: full mac:
> <filter>
> Drives:    HDD Total Size: 2256.5GB (41.5% used)
>            ID-1: /dev/sda model: SAMSUNG_MZ7TY256 size: 256.1GB
> serial:
> S307NB0HB17811 temp: 36C
>            ID-2: USB /dev/sdb model: Expansion size: 2000.4GB serial:
> S362J9BH904243 temp: 0C
> Partition: ID-1: / size: 96G used: 11G (12%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda2
>            ID-2: /media/stuv/Data size: 129G used: 27G (22%) fs: ext4
> dev: /dev/sda4
>            ID-3: /boot/efi size: 511M used: 132K (1%) fs: vfat dev:
> /dev/sda1
>            ID-4: /media/stuv/backup_linux size: 1.5T used: 809G (57%)
> fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sdb1
>            ID-5: /media/stuv/backup_windows size: 333G used: 19G (6%)
> fs: fuseblk dev: /dev/sdb2
>            ID-6: swap-1 size: 8.47GB used: 0.00GB (0%) fs: swap dev:
> /dev/sda3
> Sensors:   System Temperatures: cpu: 48.0C mobo: N/A
>            Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu: 0
> Repos:     Active apt sources in file: /etc/apt/sources.list
>            deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ stretch main non-free
>            deb-src http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ stretch main non-
> free
>            deb http://security.debian.org/debian-security
> stretch/updates main contrib non-free
>            deb-src http://security.debian.org/debian-security
> stretch/updates main contrib non-free
>            deb http://debian.inode.at/debian/ stretch-updates main
> contrib non-free
>            deb-src http://debian.inode.at/debian/ stretch-updates
> main
> contrib non-free
>            deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/webupd8team/java/ubuntu
> xenial
> main
>            deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/webupd8team/java/ubuntu
> xenial main
> Info:      Processes: 204 Uptime: 34 min Memory: 2378.5/7871.1MB
> Init:
> systemd v: 232 runlevel: 5 Gcc sys: 6.3.0
>            Client: Shell (bash 4.4.121 running in gnome-terminal-)
> inxi: 2.3.5
> best regards,
> Steven

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