Ric Moore <wayward4...@gmail.com> writes:

>> pulseaudio to use only the first audio card?
> Install pavucontrol. Under the configuration tab you can either
> configure or turn off the devices it finds. Turn off the one you don't
> want. You should use alsamixer first, as pulse sits on top of
> alsa. Use the F6 key to select a source other than the system
> source. It ought to work just fine. (google for alsamixer for more
> options) If you have more questions just ask. Remember alsamixer
> first, pavucontrol second. Ric

I cannot follow this solution because pulseaudio dies at the beginning
of the user session so I cannot control it. I think I need a way to
blacklist the device it gives me problem.

Alla bellezza preferisco la verità.
E il dubbio è l'unità di misura.

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