Hans wrote:

> Hmm, I think this behaviour was ignored since a long time. I dunno, I
> believe I mentioned it some years ago in the forum, too, but nothing
> changed since.
> And I am not sure, if that can be fixed at all. Because: Who is to blame?
> (Sorry, if "blame" might be the wrong word, my English..., better say
> "ask"?)

The attitude of Kmail development/developers is to blame. Since they started
KDE4 it became unstable and unusable, pretty fragile. Each attempt to move
them to commit to stability first was rejected, because it was seen as a
slow down on the road map. The question what is it useful for if not
reliable was also ignored. I am suspecting conspiracy behind it - there is
no logical explanation - who is paying the work and why are they doing it -
it is a mystery to me. The obvious fact is that >KDE4 users are guinea pig.
Looking for alternative I came across a community that kept KDE3 alive under
the name of Trinity Desktop and I've been using it happily in the past 10y.
10y since KDE team promissed that KDE will become stable and usable soon.
Those guys are a joke. They might be good developers, but obviously the user
satisfaction are not on their priority list.


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