
I've been working with a stable Debian for a few years now (three major
releases), with backports depots for a few tools I use regularly. I
need a proprietary Nvidia driver for essentially two things : Steam,
because I'm a Civ V gamer, and BOINC, because my computer is up 24h/day.

There was a backport update of the nvidia drivers a few weeks ago, I
tried to migrate. But then Steam wouldn't work anymore (32bits libglx,
or something like this, complaint). I ended up breaking everything
trying to get back to stable.

I finally was able to recover in console, erasing one by one the
backports packages (they cooperate to not let them be deinstalled,
those little bastards !!!)

Now, I have the stable nvidia kernel driver (375.82), but I've noticed
some BOINC apps complaining about not finding a GPU (Seti@Home, for
sure, and I haven't seen Primegrid works for a while...). Djezus, I
HAVE a GPU, it cost me enough (950, not the best one, but the most
powerful I was able to "sell" to my wife :-)

I don't know exactly what to do, if anyone could provide me with a
checklist of what to install to be able to make Steam AND BOINC work
with ANY Nvidia driver version, I would be so grateful...

Thanks for any help.



Nicolas FRANCOIS                      |  /\ 
http://nicolas.francois.free.fr       | |__|
We are the Micro$oft.                   _\_V
Resistance is futile.               
You will be assimilated.         darthvader penguin

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