I had used rsync to back up a different partition with no problems.

I used that command as a model to attempt to backup another partition.

root@debian-jan13:~# root@debian-jan13:~# rsync --verbose --progress --stats --recursive --times --perms --links /media/root/drescued_commo/ /media/root/backups/drescued_commo/
sending incremental file list
rsync: change_dir "/media/root/drescued_commo" failed: No such file or 
directory (2)

I then checked for existence of source:

root@debian-jan13:~# ls /media/root
17oct2017   debian64          rco             sda14.bak
backups     gddrescued_commo  rco1            sd-card
common      good-fvwm         recover-common  stretch-2nd
common-bak  jessie8-6-sda6    sci-fi-dvds     tomboy-testing

The rsync man page identifies error as "Protocol incompatibility".
Under the heading "Diagnostics" speaks of problems when using ssh to communicate with another machine.
It later says:

If you are having trouble debugging filter patterns, then try specifying
the -vv option. At this level of verbosity rsync will show why each individual
file is included or excluded.

I reran with -vv and received:

root@debian-jan13:~# root@debian-jan13:~# rsync -vv --progress --stats --recursive --times --perms --links /media/root/drescued_commo/ /media/root/backups/drescued_commo/
sending incremental file list
rsync: change_dir "/media/root/drescued_commo" failed: No such file or 
directory (2)
delta-transmission disabled for local transfer or --whole-file
total: matches=0  hash_hits=0  false_alarms=0 data=0

rsync[1291] (sender) heap statistics:
  arena:         299008   (bytes from sbrk)
  ordblks:            2   (chunks not in use)
  smblks:             2
  hblks:              0   (chunks from mmap)
  hblkhd:             0   (bytes from mmap)
  allmem:        299008   (bytes from sbrk + mmap)
  usmblks:            0
  fsmblks:          128
  uordblks:      168136   (bytes used)
  fordblks:      130872   (bytes free)
  keepcost:      130640   (bytes in releasable chunk)

rsync[1293] (server receiver) heap statistics:
  arena:         135168   (bytes from sbrk)
  ordblks:            1   (chunks not in use)
  smblks:             2
  hblks:              0   (chunks from mmap)
  hblkhd:             0   (bytes from mmap)
  allmem:        135168   (bytes from sbrk + mmap)
  usmblks:            0
  fsmblks:          128
  uordblks:      134160   (bytes used)
  fordblks:        1008   (bytes free)
  keepcost:         880   (bytes in releasable chunk)

rsync[1292] (server generator) heap statistics:
  arena:         135168   (bytes from sbrk)
  ordblks:            1   (chunks not in use)
  smblks:             2
  hblks:              0   (chunks from mmap)
  hblkhd:             0   (bytes from mmap)
  allmem:        135168   (bytes from sbrk + mmap)
  usmblks:            0
  fsmblks:          128
  uordblks:      134160   (bytes used)
  fordblks:        1008   (bytes free)
  keepcost:         880   (bytes in releasable chunk)

HELP please.

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