On 2018-06-03, Miroslav Skoric <sko...@eunet.rs> wrote:
> I did so, and noticed just some few Gnome -related things to be active 
> for the user 106 - myself? (although I logged out from the Mate desktop 
> and not from Gnome), as well as a few items active for user 1000 i.e. 
> root (such as 'sudo su' and 'systemd-cgls').
> Anyway, to be sure whether any of those processes were needed to run or 
> not, I did in parallel the same test with another slower machine running 
> Jessie at only 224MB RAM (also the recent upgrade from Wheezy), but 
> which one performs proper shutdown/poweroff.
> You bet, at both machines exactly the same processes were listed as 
> still running for user 106 and user 1000. However, only the better one 
> box having 512 MB RAM, does not power off when reached target shutdown.
> Any other thing to try?

I'm really too ignorant to be answering questions and should be asking some.

However I can't think of any.

Except: any clues in the logs?  

Look here:



 Debugging boot/shutdown problems

which explains how to create a root debug shell on VT 9 available quite
late in the shutdown process; or, failing or in lieu of that, generating a
shutdown-log.txt file instead.

Good luck.

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