
On Sun, Jun 10, 2018 at 03:21:45PM -0400, Gary Dale wrote:
> I have printers attached via USB to my Debian/Stretch server and also one
> that also has an ethernet connection. The problem I'm having is that the
> virtual machines seem to grab exclusive access to the printers, so I can
> print from my Linux (Debian/Buster) workstation.

QEMU USB redirection (whenever native QEMU or that impressive trick with
usbip virt-manager does) is implemented that way. You can provide a single
host with any USB device, but the access is exclusive.

> The printers show in the CUPS web interface and also in the print dialogues
> but CUPS reports the printers aren't communicating when I try to print to
> them.

Of course it works that way. CUPS stores access parameters for any
configured printer, but checks if it's accessible only at printing time.

> I can print to the one that has a network connector, but only through that
> port.

And that is also working exactly the way it's intended. IPP is designed
for concurrent access, USB does not.

> Is there any way to be able to share a USB printer with a virtual machine?

Configure CUPS to provide an access to a printer via conventional
tcp:631 (i.e. network). Use network access to CUPS from all your virtual
machines. They gave you full-fledged print server with a network
capability, you might as well use it the way it was intended.


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