On 2018-07-05, Richard Hector <rich...@walnut.gen.nz> wrote:
> Equally, if I want to know what the time is, I can ask you.
> If you don't know, I can tell you.
> Then I can ask you, and now you'll know, and I'll find out.
> Right?
> We must be looking at different problems.
> I'm assuming that if you're trying to look up the version number, it's
> because you don't know what it is.

The problem I'm looking at is that the Debian testing/unstable releases
do not have a version number and are not going to be receiving one any
time soon (the tradition of not according a number to these two releases
being of the utmost venerability). This is I gleaned from the bug report
to which DW pointed. As mentioned in the latter the canny and agile
system administrator running testing, for instance, can palliate the
absence of a number by sticking one of his or her liking (10!) in or up
any configuration wazoo he or she finds copacetic, and most notably in
our current context '/etc/debian_version'.

> Richard

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