On 07/15/2018 02:49 PM, Hans wrote:
> be warned: Wheh you do apt full-upgrade, then most security tools, we rely 
> on, 
> are deinstallesd. These are rkhunter, chrootkit, autopsy, tripwire, 
> needrestart and tiger. Also forensics-full and forensics-all are deinstalled 
> (however, this might have other reasons).

Most likely the upgrade is changing packages that are depended on by the
packages you mention. Just re-install them. Just examine which packages
are being changed, see why apt wants to uninstall, and reinstall if needed.

> This is no good behaviour, and it looks for me like the preparation for a 
> global attack on debian. 

The extent of the evidence that supports the idea that this is in fact
an attack on Debian is just that apt is removing these packages on
update. This behavior could be explained by other means, without first
jumping to conclusions about NSA interference.

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by
stupidity." or, in this case, basically any simpler explanation than
"the preparation for a global attack on debian".

I believe it would have been more helpful if this had been written as a
question on why apt might be removing said packages on upgrade, with
more context, instead of spreading FUD on the list.

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