On Thu, 19 Jul 2018 07:04:37 -0500
Richard Owlett <rowl...@cloud85.net> wrote:

> My goal is not what you would term a true LFS system.
> It is focused on what Beekmans writes in his preface stating "... but 
> also serve as an ideal learning opportunity for programmers and
> system administrators to enhance their (existing) Linux skills."
> As I'm interested more in system administration than programming, I
> see minimal advantage in enduring the compiles. My focus would be on
> which packages were selected and why in the order chosen.

Just read the book, then. But it doesn't sink in quite so much as when
you're actually downloading and compiling each component...

> >   
> When I asked if there were discussions anywhere, I was specifically 
> referring to the latest "Debian from Scratch". I've been following 
> lfs-c...@lists.linuxfromscratch.org  for about three years :}

I would have said the way to go was to actually build a standard LFS,
then examine the Debian scripts and what is actually present in a
minimal netinstall. In particular, look at the Debian patches to
upstream software. I did a couple of LFS builds about fifteen or twenty
years ago, fairly early in its life, and learned a fair bit in the


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