Rick Macdonald:
> Now that I have removed unstable form sources.list and preferences
> (pinning), won't my packages from unstable eventually be upgraded from
> stable as the stable versions become newer than the unstable packages that I
> currently have installed?

Yes, "eventually". At some unknown time in the future. Probably. That
point in time will most probably coincide with a new stable release.
Stable does not change very often, as the name implies.

> Or might I hit some dependency problems along the way?

That is a possibility.

> Should I instead do the downgrades now by pinning stable to priority
> 1001 (with I'm guessing is a one-time thing to do, and then remove the
> pinning)?

I would try to force this downgrade (if it is for a very limited set of
packages as in your case) using '-t stable' or 'package=<version in
stable>. If that doesn't work, remove and reinstall. But your approach
appears to work as well. I am not surprised that apt wants to remove a
seemingly unrelated package. Just let it do that and reinstall that

Generally, downgrades are not supported. And generally, mixing packages
from different releases is neither supported nor a great idea.

Ultimately, the Millenium Dome is a spectacular monument of the
doublethink of our times.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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