just putting my answer at the top.
My client does have a log option, will aim for that. still again my first priority is finding a place to test with a nonstandard port. then I can be sure it really is all about port 22 and 21.

On Tue, 31 Jul 2018, Dan Ritter wrote:

On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 01:01:31PM -0400, Karen Lewellen wrote:
Hi again,

ssh-keygen is a command that comes along with your SSH client in
Debian (and all other UNIX-like systems that supply OpenSSH).

That sounds like your DSL company decided to block port 22,
which is somewhere between ridiculous and evil.

(21 is FTP, by the way.)
Yes, on port 21 being for ftp, meaning it would have to be blocked as well
which   seems frankly impossible.

1. Reboot your DSL modem and/or router just in case.
Not only has that been done, I actually  got someone at Bell Canada to reset
my account information on their side to default.
That worked once before when I could not reach dreamhost.
2. Test that you still can't ssh to server:22
3. Test that you can't connect via ssh to chat.shazow.net (it
will allow anyone on, no credentials)

Okay, did that once producing the same dh key error, but will do it again
with /v to note what happens.

4. Complain to your DSL company.

But that is why I desire a server to test that, like here at shellworld, is
using something other than port 22.  Otherwise I just get a repeat of the
same conversation, we do not support your operating system.
Although, I am wondering, if the port were blocked, if  I would get as much
information as I am getting from /v?

Show us the whole output.


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