Ever since upgrading some customized Debian 64bit systems to Debian 8, I've
had trouble with the Canon UFRII printer drivers.  I've now been
testing this issue on a vanilla Debian 8, and Debian 9 system with the
same issues on both.

I use official Brother printer drivers which are i386 only, so have
multi-arch installed, and the libc6-i386 package.  The Canon UFRII
package installs fine, but when printing with any of those drivers the
following error shows in the status: "Idle - src =
libcanon_pdlwrapper.c, line = 514, err = 0nError Response:ReqNo=2,
SeqNo=3,opvpErrorNo=-2".  If I uninstall the libc6-i386 package, the
Canon drivers dont't throw an error, but the official Brother drivers
quit working. The Brother doesn't indicate any error, but it simply
prints nothing.

This was very repeatable on the 3 different systems( 2 systems were
fresh installs) I've tried.  Its like an On/Off switch, install
libc6-i386 and only one brand works, un-install and the only the other
brand works

Thanks, Allen

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