On Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 10:56:59PM -0800, Ross Boylan wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 03:08:23PM -0500, Paul Morgan wrote:
> ...
> > I have all services locked down to localhost; my only connections to
> > the outside world are mail, news via nntpcached, web via squid... I run
> > Apache but it too is locked down to localhost.  My mail is run through my
> > ISP's (earthlink's) virus and spam filters before I get it (otherwise I'd
> > be getting like 10 Svens per day). I do see, from time to time, Apache
> > refusing connections attempts which are generally attacks by Windoze worms.
> I had a long talk with earthlink a month or two ago in which they told
> me they were not filtering out swen (and they certainly weren't; I got
> a ton).  Soon after that, I did see some swen-like stuff in their spam
> filter for my account (but I also saw plenty still coming at me).
> What's your basis for saying they are filtering out swen, rather than
> that you're just getting less swen?

I had a few choice words for earthlink after they responsed to my
emails. They said spam they could filter but viruses 'somehow' require
them to scan the entire email and this would 'invade' my privacy. I told
them that was bs. so having my 10mb email account fill up and start
bouncing and losing emails was what I was suppose to get for my bucks?!
They offer a 'blocking' black list web page but you have to enter a single email
address, no regex. Like spamers use a single address!
all in all earthlink sucks. and of course they dont offer encrtpted mail
like secure pop or imap.

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