On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 12:05:34AM -0700, Remigio wrote:
> recently I installed Debian 9 Stretch
> Could you help me please to understand where are network configuration files 
> and how to manage them?

If, during the installation, you choose to install a Desktop Environment,
then Network Manager gets installed, and the configuration that would
normally go into /etc/network/interfaces (/e/n/i for short) is wiped out.

With your ethernet and/or wifi interfaces not listed in /e/n/i, NM takes
over and manages those interfaces.  For better or worse.

If, on the other hand, during the installation, you choose NOT to install
a Desktop Environment, then the installer writes the network configuration
stuff into /e/n/i for you, and NM is not installed.

On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 10:05:47AM +0100, Brian wrote:
> apt purge network-manager
> apt --purge autoremove
> Then configure /e/n/i to your liking.

I second this recommendation for a desktop machine or a server.  I don't
know about laptops.

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