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On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 08:28:56PM -0400, Miles Fidelman wrote:


> Last time I looked, Thunderbird & Exchange both support news - a
> newsgroup looks just like another email account.

And Gnus. That's exactly the point all those "yay, modern, shiny"
folks don't "get":

SMTP, NNTP and IMAP are abstract (and relatively
stable) interfaces which allow the development of a bunch of different
clients which suit a hugely diverse user base, even as weird folks
as me. User is queen: GOOD

On a "web forum", me, the user, gotta put up with whatever dorky
"web GUI" some random "startup" has come up with. And they often are
dorky for a reason, the provider is basing its business model on
this (branding, embedding ads, sucking up data, you name it). There's
often a "REST interface", but it is at a much lower abstraction level
as SMTP et al -- and it is a moving target: often, the server and
client parts are in one repository, tied by a framework. You can
change the interface spec at a whim, since the browser downloads the
new client code. That means that me, as a user have to put up with
whatever cruel abomination the provider has thought up for me.
Provider is king: BAD.

That's at least my take on it. It isn't something we all are going
to agree on, as in the GPL vs BSD/MIT thing -- your opinion will
depend on which side you lean towards (my "good"/"bad" above reflect
my personal leanings, shouldn't you have noticed :-)

- -- tomás
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