On 2018-09-13 08:44 PM, Matthew Crews wrote:
Try the Flatpak version of GIMP.

I'm not a fan of the attempts to create universal packages. The problem they create is that you have multiple different versions of the same libraries and you're now relying on multiple people to patch security holes and bugs in all the different versions.

One of Debian's strengths is that all the programs (eventually) work together perfectly. I'll put up with bugs that sometimes creep into the testing versions because I know that they get sorted out and the final stable product is very stable and secure.

I do admit that I've seen more, and more serious, bugs in this testing release than in previous ones. However I also note that there have been some amazing changes right the way through so you have to expect that things will break.

I think the GIMP problems may already be fixed. After tonight's upgrades it seems to be working a lot better.

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