Le 22-09-2018, à 10:07:36 +0200, Pascal Hambourg a écrit :

Le 22/09/2018 à 06:58, steve a écrit :

Because what I finally did is install a fresh Debian on another device
(using GPT) and the ACPI errors still were there.

In legacy mode (with a BIOS boot partition) or EFI mode (with an EFI system partition) ?

In EFI mode. The "Bios" is now fully in EFI mode and it sees all my boot

Ok. I expected (with little hope though) that the errors might have disappeared when booting in native EFI mode, not because you converted disks to GPT.

Me too, but no chance, always the same errors. I guess it's not related
to kernel (4.18 from backports) but to Bios firmware (up to date). All I
can hope now is that they correct it. Nevertheless it doesn't to affect
the system (or if it does, it's so subtil that I just can't notice it).

I used the opportunity of having another Debian to convert my sda disk
to GPT tables, and change the BIOS setting to UEFI only (just for the
sake of it). So all my disk have a GPT partition table except for the 3
ones for the RAID1 array. Not sure whether I can use the same
manipulations to convert them to GPT also. But since they work fine, I
might leave it as it is.

You can, but IMO it provides little value. GPT is useful in the following cases :
- disk bigger that 2 TiB

Might come sooner or later.

When it comes you'll use GPT on the new big disks. No need to convert the old smaller ones.

Well I did, with no problem. Now all my 8 disks have GPT partition

I think I'll do that so to have 100% GPT disks and leave the past where
it is and prepare the future. But this step worries me a bit because I
have all my personal data on one of the RAID1 and really don't want to
loose them. I think best would be to backup those data elsewhere in case
things go wrong.

1) Backup valuable data. RAID does not replace backups.

I know, but I rely on that, and I have a spare disk in case things go
the bad way. I have to put in place a procedure to do a real backup on
my freenas.

2) Hey ! This is RAID 1. You have redundancy. You can convert one disk at a time, and if things go wrong, you can just rebuild it.

Note however that there is a small chance that a disk cannot be converted to GPT as is. The GPT primary and backup partition tables requires a few unallocated sectors (33 for a default 128-entry table) at the beginning and at the end of the disk. If sectors in these areas are allocated to partitions, the conversion is not possible.

Well, they didn't, all went fine.

Thanks for your help !

Have a nice week-end.


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