On 11/14/18 10:13 PM, Alan Taylor wrote:
Success … sort of.

Removing "BatchMode yes” from the backuppc users .ssh/config file fixed 
everything EXCEPT
the backuppc user still could not ssh out from the backup computer (sirius) to 
other computers.
However, the error message was now a lot clearer (complaining that login not 
allowed because the account was locked).
All of the client computers have a backuppc user with the shell set to 
/bin/false (the recommended procedure) as there is no shell login required on 
these computers.
However, changing this to /bin/bash solved the problem … backuppc user can now 
ssh from the backup computer (sirius) to others.

Any ideas as to what may be causing this last issue ?

PS UsePam is set to yes

If you want to log in to an account whose /etc/passwd shell is /bin/false, one trick is to su(1) to root, then su(1) to that account using the '--shell' option:

    2018-11-15 09:17:06 root@tinkywinky ~
    # grep ntp /etc/passwd

    2018-11-15 09:17:10 root@tinkywinky ~
    # su -l -s /bin/bash ntp
    No directory, logging in with HOME=/

Can backuppc on one "other" computer log into another "other" computer?

It would help if you posted your console session indicating source machine (prompt), command issued, and output displayed.

It would help if you posted the active lines in ~/.ssh/config, /etc/ssh/ssh_config, and /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the relevant machines:

    $ grep . ~/.ssh/config | grep -v '#'

    $ grep . /etc/ssh/ssh_config | grep -v '#'

    $ grep . /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep -v '#'


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