SCRATCH THAT.. This few seconds later, I remembered it ALSO... needed
to potentially be portable...

And NOW it's coming to mind that touchscreen was also mentioned
meaning that might be needed for some reason as to why tablet was
specifically referenced.

Not all bad. Maybe somewhere there's a shop that could still make that
screened contraption for theirs.

Cindy :)

On 12/13/18, Cindy-Sue Causey <> wrote:
> On 12/12/18, Hans <> wrote:
>> For the problem with dust, a toughbook might be the best solution, but it
>> is
>> expensive and heavy.
>> I believe, most users think, that a tablet is the same as a personal
>> computer
>> or a notebook - it is NOT! Fully other architectture (i.e. ARM processor,
>> graphics chip)  and so on.
>> Back tio the dusty problem: Every hardware with coolers and moving parts
>> are
>> bad choices. Dust will scratch the surface! (A foil will inhibit it).
>> Keyboard? Use a water proof keyboard.
>> However, I still believe, a netbook is the best choice, as a keyboard is
>> easy
>> to exchange.
>> - Dust in the netbook can be avoided, by self improved filters.
>> - Everything can easily be exchanged, when it is really defctive.
>> - You have a real harddrive (mine is a standard SSD)
>>   and you do not loose data, when the mainboard dies.
>> - It is fully suppoirted by debian and even Windows
>> - Powersupply is exchangable!
>> - system can be upgraded (more memory. bigger harddrive)
>> - fully standrized ports (usb, vga, IEEE, network)
>> - wlan card with "special" options (monitor mode)
>> - low price
>> - good to handle (typing on a mechanical keyboard)
> I hit "Reply" thinking I'd offer the bright idea of an option that
> would be archaic dust cover "skins" that cover the whole PC-type
> computer. Totally forgot about the *gets hot and so would overheat
> without proper airflow* running parts part. Memory now is about
> putting those on after the computer was shut down at night..
> So... what about a simple, square homemade wood framed screen
> contraction that would capture *some* of the dust?  Making one that
> was two-layered would *hopefully* *theoretically* *potentially* catch
> more dust, etc., as the catchables bounce around between the layers.
> Presumably a simple screened box would be light enough to lift off as
> needed, e.g. to hit the power off button. Simple hinge plus
> hook-and-eye operated trap doors could be added if the computer was
> situated on a shelf that makes it inconvenient to lift a box off
> easily.
> The waterproof keyboard option would help for the part outside the
> box. Never thought about similar for the mouse, but they sure do
> collect their share of gunk inside, too.
> Just offering as a potential temporary solution until something
> perfect comes along.
> Cindy :)
> --
> Cindy-Sue Causey
> Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA
> * runs with birdseed *

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