On 12.12.2018 23:38, Mask The Truth God wrote:
> Greetings, I have been having problem with my hardware for quite a
> while now and have been trying to figure it out on my own just by
> reading forms and such and I have found a few forms that helped but
> honestly most of them were complete idiots so I decided to make my own
> and explain in depth the problem. (excuse me if I make any grammar
> mistakes as I am Ukrainian.) 
> Warning: I apologize for this but I am going to go overboard with
> detail so If you are not someone that can sit through and read very
> long form then move on please. 
> I Will first start off with my current specifications:
> 1 8 gb ddr3 ram stick
> amd radeon r9 380 asus strix model
> amd fx 6300 6 core processor unlocked
> gigabyte 970a-ud3p
> 500 watt evga Power supply
> The Distrubutions I tried installing that all had the same problems
> were: Debian, Arch, Linux Mint, fedora, openSUES.
> I am using Insigna 1217 Rev.A flat screen Television as my main
> display and it is connected via High-Definition Multimedia Interface
> cable. works fine on windows.
> Ok now that that is settled here is the story:
> I first installed linux mint on this machine and instantly when the
> machine booted up ( I use rufus to create the iso image also good to
> be noted) The mouse and keyboard both did not work. TO fix this
> problem I found that I needed to do the following in the Bios:
> set EHCI_HANDOFF to Enabled
> set Iommu = Enabled
> Then in Grub (applies to every distro I used on this machine) :
> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="amd_iommu=on iommu=pt"
> After I applied these initial fixes the booting speed picked up very
> much and then the keyboard and mouse worked properly.
You don't need to enable IOMMU if you don't intend to use it in VM.
> After this I then ran into the more serious problems that I see lots
> of other people have been having with this combo of graphics card and
> mobo:
> There was screen teaaring inside discord, firefox, and opera but the
> desktop enviornments (I tried both XFCE and KDE Plasma) did not have
> any screen tearing problems. Only if I played game, or used extrernal
> application (something that did not come with the initial installation
> not the file manager applications or things like those) Then there
> were screen tearing problems. so you ask what did i do to try to fix
> these problems:
> - Tried both free and non-free drivers (the non free were not really
> much use i found the free to work slightly better as most people know)
> using command 
> sudo mhwd -a pci nonfree 0300 -f (in arch)
> - tried switching to compbiz and compton compositors (XFCE)
> - Edited sudo leafpad /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-amdgpu.conf
> to use: 
> Section "Device" 
> Identifier "AMD" 
> Driver "amdgpu" 
> Option "TearFree" "true" 
> EndSection
> - added the parameters radeon.cik_support=0 amdgpu.cik_support=1
> amdgpu.dpm=1 amdgpu.dc=1 to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX line in
> /etc/default/grub then ran update-grub and rebooted.
I could be mistaken, but those parameters are for other series of AMD
cards and should not be enabled explicitly for more recent R9 300 series.
> -disabled hardware accelaration in firefox (for browser specific problems)
> - edited the sudo leafpad /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-amdgpu.conf
> yet again to:
> Section "Device"
> Identifier "Radeon"
> Driver "radeon"
> Option "AccelMethod" "glamor"
> Option "DRI" "3"
> Option "TearFree" "on"
> Option "ColorTiling" "on"
> Option "ColorTiling2D" "on"
> EndSection
> and all of those options STILL did nothing and the screen still still
> stuttered and had tearing in browsers and discord. so this i am quite
> confused on as videos play fine and there is no tearing in them.
> Interestingly though, in firefox only, they will not play in full HD
> (in arch specifically)
> The other problem I was having was (again in every distro i used)
> livestreams would stutter and also streaming average not live videos
> from youtube also would stutter (mostly just the sound not the actual
> video) so to try to fix THIS problem i tried the following:
> changed the drivers from free to nonfree and then back again
> and this did nothing, still the glitchy video playback in both opera
> and firefox. 
> I did go on amazon and look up my motherboard model and read a bunch
> of their comments and there were so many people saying that it was a
> terrible mobo for linux support but then there were some that were
> linux users who were quite happy. I am stumped by these problems and
> have not been able to fix them myself. sorry for the overly detailed
> form but it must be done in this situation.
> EDIT: I know this was nothing to do with my internet as I have no
> problems with any of my cables or router or anything of the sort and
> the streaming works fine on windows also my video card is properly
> secured in the mobo. I asked this same question on a fourm and i was
> told That the only fix might be to build a specific kernel meant for
> my board. I feel like this would probably be very tedious and take a
> long time so i would like to try to find an easier solution before i
> know that would be the last resort. thanks.
It's hard to know exactly what do you mean by "screen tearing", but it
sounds like your system doesn't use VGA properly or it wasn't setup right.
I can't really help much because I solely use nvidia cards on Linux
(they have better driver support), but I can suggest you to look into
kernel messages generated during boot process and look for errors or
suspicious lines regarding VGA, amdgpu kernel module, Kernel Mode
Setting (KMS needs to be enabled), firmware loading.
    $ journalctl -b
Look up information about what kernel module and Xorg server module
actually in use:
    $ lspci -k | grep -5 VGA
    $ glxinfo -B

It could be hard to rollback all "fixes" you've implemented already and
check everything sequentially.
Basically, you need to use "amdgpu" driver for your VGA, install
firmware package (firmware-amd-graphics) and install mesa to enable
video acceleration (mesa-va-drivers, mesa-va-drivers:i386).
There is an excellent guide available from Arch wiki, which could be
adapted for Debian.

Paste output from commands above, so others could help too, or see if
you've doing it right.

With kindest regards, Alexander.

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