On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 10:42 PM Ivan Ivanov <qmaster...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Well, the topic title is "Why choose Debian on server" and I thought
> of it as a perfect opportunity to compare Debian with another very
> similar OS, Devuan. + To be honest, it is not the removal of a package
> that worried me (of course almost anyone could do
> wget/configure/make/make install),

I do debuild it works for code written in 2001-2002

> but that Debian has started taking political decisions over technical
> (someone didn't like the name of a package (weboob) which has been a
> part of Debian for 8 years ---> reeemove!),
> and for a technical project this is a really bad sign.
Don't know the story - if you have links
Definitely political correctness/madness has gone too far in recent years.
I doubt it will end well. Historically you can compare with the middle ages
- the landlord=company, the church=political correctness and so on.
Fortunately you have a choice and I wonder why you post to Debian User.

> Best regards and have a happy holidays,
> Same to you and please stop top posting


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