On 2/7/19 1:34 AM, Thomas Schmitt wrote:

Carl Fink wrote:
First I used unetbootin to create a Testing (Buster) netinstall USB drive.
This is deprecated by

"Please note, that Debian advises not using "unetbootin" for this task.
  It can cause difficult-to-diagnose problems with booting and installing,
  so is not recommended."

Rather copy the ISO image flatly to the base device file of the USB stick.
The FAQ proposes

   cp <file> <device>


   dd if=<file> of=<device> bs=4M; sync

(<device> has to be e.g. /dev/sdc, not a partition device like /dev/sdc1.)

Hi, Thomas,

Actually, I did that too (the cp version, and also tried catting the image
to the device). I didn't put every detail in the original message because,
well, I have a bad memory and I was tired.

You also have to turn on legacy boot, of course, to boot from the USB drive.
The ISOs do have boot entries for EFI from DVD and from USB stick.
Probably unetbootin did not copy the EFI System Partition from the ISO.

Happened with every way of making the install drive, though.
Have a nice day :)

Same to you!


Carl Fink

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