Hello . . .

I am running Debian Unstable, x86, up to date.

Last night, I did an update as usual. Several packages were updated,
including updating the kernel from linux-image-4.19.0-3-amd64
to linux-image-4.19.0-4-amd64.

Then I rebooted. During the reboot process this message appeared, line
after line, on the monitor:

PKCS#7 signature not signed with a trusted key

Otherwise the boot process completed as usual.  I then did sudo dmesg.
Among the usual entries, the same message was displayed (in red letters!)
at least 100 times.

So I then rebooted again, this time into linux-image-4.19.0-3-amd64,
and reinstalled linux-image-4.19.0-4-amd64:

sudo apt remove --purge linux-image-4.19.0-4-amd64
sudo aptitude install linux-image-4.19.0-4-amd64

and rebooted.  No difference.


I have not added or removed any hardware.

When I boot into linux-image-4.19.0-3-amd64, I do NOT get this message.

doofus@doofus:~$ dpkg -l | grep linux-image | awk '{print$2}'

sudo apt-key list seems to show the same entries as before (but I'm not
sure if I should post the contents on a public mail list).

sudo apt-key update seems to be deprecated.

I did some research, but did not find anything really helpful.  And when
dealing with the kernel and with (possible) key signing issues, I don't
want to make things worse by just experimenting at random.

Has anyone else seen this?

What other information might be helpful?

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