On Fri 22 Mar 2019 at 17:45:50 (+0100), to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 07:52:33PM -0500, Martin McCormick wrote:
> [...]
> >     Opening, appending and closing for each new line of
> > output made me a bit squeamish.  The program is monitoring a
> > stream of data from a radio scanner.  The data spew in at about
> > 20 or 30 lines per second.
> Don't fear. Measure :-)
> Doesn't sound outrageous to line-buffer your output to file.
> The output to screen is already line-buffered (by default,
> at least) and isn't killing you, so if I were you, I'd set
> up a benchmark run and torture things a bit. Then, *if* you
> notice any whiff of a problem, you could try a more clever
> scheme like timeout based flush to better get hold of bursts
> (if I understood your description, things go out in bursts).

Reading the OP's problem, I wonder how you're meant to detect
"any whiff of a problem". All we know is that the maximum rate
*might* be 30 lines per second, but is that a guess? Are we
already losing the odd line? How would we replicate test runs?

Probably not, at 30 lps, but in principal I would say that
this is a sticking plaster while you write your better method.

The main concern raised in the OP was flushing before termination,
for which a signal is ideal. And for best performance, I'd forget
tee and just look at the output file occasionally, with tail.


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