I'm watching movies through netflix so I do not have any ideas how to
write a script that will do that thing. I guess the script should detect
if an application is in full screen mode.

A "solution" I'm thinking is to put a cron job with the following command
xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -p
/xfce4-power-manager/presentation-mode -s false to repeat it self every

Theoretically that should solve the problem of forgetting to change it back.

Doesn't feel like a clean solution.

Anyway It isn't a big problem. Usually I do not watch movies at all.
Just had a leg surgery and I'm going to be bored to death the next
couple of weeks until i start walking again.

On 4/2/19 5:09 AM, David Wright wrote:
> On Mon 01 Apr 2019 at 18:43:33 (+0300), Georgios wrote:
>> Thanks for your reply.
>> I already took a look at Caffeine before I send my first email.
>> The problem with it is that it looks for an app running so I do not
>> think its a good idea.
>> I often leave my laptop with a lot of firefox tabs open and expect it to
>> go to sleep mode or hibernation instead of closing it.
>> I will probably have to settle with manually checking presentation mode
>> although i was hopping for a more automated solution.
>> On 4/1/19 6:15 PM, Curt wrote:
>>> On 2019-04-01, Georgios <gpdsbe+deb...@mailbox.org> wrote:
>>>> Hi!
>>>> First of all thanks for the fast reply.
>>>> Yes I have presentation mode. I didn't even try it to see if its working
>>>> with hibernate. The problem with that is that its inconvenient to check
>>>> it and uncheck it all the time.
>>>> I will inevitably forget it sooner or later.
> How about watching your movies with an in principle 3-line script:
> set the presentation mode
> run the movie
> revert to non-presentation mode
>>> Well, that's how you do it, presumably, with xfce power manager, which
>>> was the question. Obviously, you toggle presentation mode on and off as
>>> necessary, unless you're watching netflix 24/7, which might curdle your
>>> brain.
>>> If not, there's 'caffeine'.
> Cheers,
> David.

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