On Friday 05 April 2019 09:08:33 Felix Miata wrote:

> Gene Heskett composed on 2019-04-05 06:03 (UTC-0400):
> > On Friday 05 April 2019 04:09:55 Felix Miata wrote:
> >> Were you running MC in TDE? Have you set its screen power save to
> >> maximum 120 minutes (as I do)?
> >
> > MC has no such option.  TDE I haven't checked yet. But PI sure
> > wouldn't think its defaults would be such a disaster
> I didn't mean MC has any blanking option. I meant starting TDE
> session, then in Konsole or directly opening MC.
> >> Have you tried anything like xorg.conf for dpms? e.g.
> >
> > The monitor was not turned off, just blanked with a blinking cursor.
> >  And no response from the keyboard or mouse, as if the wireless usb
> > rx dongles had all been turned off.
> When this happens to me, I first check for freeze by toggling NUM.

Hadn't thought of that, no tally for that on a log. K-360 but caps lock 
doesn't enable/disable that indicator. AIUI, that keystroke goes to the 
computer, and the led on off comes back. So my assumption is that usb is 
disabled when blanked. But since I have the blinking underline cursor, I 
wouldn't call it blanked either. But since its only happened twice, and 
I finally got twm to run the windows instead of lightdm running xfce4, 
it may not happen again.

> Next I unplug and replug mouse and try again. Wireless I don't
> routinely use for anything. My hands are glitchy enough without
> glitchy wireless mice to compound poor pointer control.

My usb dongles are on the end of an extention cable, within a 10cm  of 
both the keyboard and the mouse, Poor pointer control is not a problem. 
Keeping batteries in the mouse is. And getting ancient fingers to hit 
the correct keys is the biggest problem by far. :)

I do use a lot of usb here but thats the extent of usb+wireless. I even 
have all the radios turned off due to a neighbor's cell phone that can 
hack into an active radio and use 80gb of my bandwidth a month, and do 
it 2 seconds after I enable the radio, but I do enable the radios so my 
visiting boys can use their $800 cell phones while visiting.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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