On Tue 09 Apr 2019 at 20:46:53 (+0200), Étienne Mollier wrote:
> On 4/9/19 8:39 PM, David Wright wrote:
> > We avoided the problem when I went to sea by using the letter codes,
> > Z(ulu), A(lpha), B(ravo) etc. because there are no civil timezones,
> > daylight savings times or anything else. 
> You mean, like this ?
>       $ TZ=Zulu date
>       Tue Apr  9 18:46:20 UTC 2019

Yes, but only Zulu works here, not Z, nor all the rest.
But we were using it as the shortest unambiguous representation of
the timezone we were currently sailing in, suitable even for drunks
dozing off in the middle of the Middle Watch to get right. The last
thing you want is people trying to do timezone conversions in the
middle of the night. The confusion arises because the scientific
clocks displayed UTC whereas the scientists and crew worked in
shipboard/local time.


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