Le 20/04/2019 à 23:44, Pierre Frenkiel a écrit :

> it is not MY drive, it is a google drive, at address
>      https://drive.google.com/drive/my-drive/pf-index.html
> I don't know what file manager can access that.
> gvfs or thunar give: "operation not supported"

The address above is http, so I think only a software with direct or
indirect abilities to manage this protocol will do (think: web browser)

I use Gnome, so may be with other DE ou WM there are some measures to
undertake in order for that to function properly (manually do a
gvfs-mount?), but Nautilus gives me read+write access to my Google
Drive. So I can choose whatever browser I like to open html files there.

didier@hp-notebook14:~$ gvfs-mount -l
Mount(1): didier.gau...@gmail.com -> google-drive://didier.gau...@gmail.com/
  Type: GDaemonMount

I just installed the Pcmanfm-qt file-manager and from within the gnome
DE, there is a google-drive://didier.gau...@gmail.com/ bookmark in
Pcmanfm-qt. By clicking on it I have R+W access to my Google Drive...

I have not used KDE for a very long time but I think that for KDE users,
 Kio is the KDE equivalent of gnome Gvfs.

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