David Wright wrote:

> $ apt-cache dump | grep -A 2 '^Package:' | grep -B 2 '^ File:' | sed -e 
> 'N;N;s/\n/ /g;s/ \+/ /g;N' | grep -v '^--' | sort >> "$Unique1"
> $ dpkg-query -W -f '^Package: ${Package} \n' | grep --file=- "$Unique1" | sort

That's some heavy parsing, only I don't get it
to work. I get "no such file or directory: "
from the first, apt-cache-dump invocation.

Maybe do a shell function of it (whatever shell
you prefer)?

Also I don't understand where the argument
goes? Where is ${Package} defined, even tho it
didn't (for me) even get that far?

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