On 2019-05-05, rhkra...@gmail.com <rhkra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Saturday, May 04, 2019 03:39:03 PM Terrill Wallace wrote:
>> I'm just gonna quit and give up
> I hate to hear that -- I might ask a few questions and suggest some 
> alternatives:

The dude must be leery after calculating the cost-benefit ratio of
lawyering up to handle the intricate "legal implications" of getting his
wifi up mentioned in the thread.

Of course, anyone who quits *and* gives up simultaneously is trying to
make some sort of point rather than solve some kind of problem.


The boys at first were very polite about my medals and asked me what I had done
to get them. I showed them the papers, which were written in very beautiful
language and full of fratellanza and abnegazione, but which really said, with
the adjectives removed, that I had been given the medals because I was 
an American. - "Another Country"

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