On Mon, 6 May 2019 at 17:22, Brad Rogers <b...@fineby.me.uk> wrote:
> On Mon, 6 May 2019 09:26:00 +1000 David <bouncingc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello David,
> >People here care about software freedom.
> Some do, yes.  Far more simply don't care:

I think the proportion of people providing answers here who do care
would be significantly higher than the general population though.
That's why I was concerned enough to respond, and why I wrote
people *here* :)

> You only have to look at how
> successful surveillance companies (google, facebook, twitter, et al)
> have become; with people willingly, even eagerly, handing over their
> data to be traded in a highly lucrative market.


> However, it was not my intent to recommend a particular provider, just
> give an example.  Also, until it came up in this thread, I was not aware
> Debian provide a similar pasting service.

No worries, I'm glad you are aware now :)

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