
Michael Lange wrote:
> So far it has been
> reported that this does _not_ happen with MacOs, Gnome, IceWm.

I guess you can add Fvwm2 to this list. At least for me the script works
as it should.

> Since it only seems to happen with Xfce/Xfwm and Openbox/Lxde I think it
> is more likely that it is the window manager's fault than that of Tk.

But why then is this not a widespread problem ?
Xfce uses GTK like Gnome does. Originall events are a matter of the X Window
system. But this knowledge is meanwhile subject to bit rot.

So what do you get from programs like xev ?

Without argument it is very verbous about mouse movements. But i can
produce ButtonPress/Release events without interlaced FocusIn/Out

  ButtonPress event, serial 37, synthetic NO, window 0x12e00001,
  ButtonRelease event, serial 37, synthetic NO, window 0x12e00001,
  ButtonPress event, serial 37, synthetic NO, window 0x12e00001,
  ButtonRelease event, serial 37, synthetic NO, window 0x12e00001,

One may run instead:

  xev -event focus

which displays only Enter-Leave events. Those happen for me only when
i really enter and leave. Mouse buttons do not trigger such events.

Have a nice day :)


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