Quoting Paul Sutton (2019-05-23 19:47:48)
> Just installing Debian 10 rc 1.  With regard to user accounts I am 
> asked for credentials for the account I want to log in with.  However 
> I don't appear to be asked for information to set up a root account.
> is Debian 10 now using sudo to allow users to carry out admin tasks.
> Is this how it is meant to do things, or have I missed a step 
> somewhere ?

Debian installer has for some time (not sure how many releases) 
supported sudo like this: You are asked for root password, and if you 
just hit enter (i.e. provide blank password) then sudo is installed with 
the first account added to sudoers group.

If you want to get rid of sudo, then first add a root password with 
"sudo passwd root", then log in to the console as root (also to verify 
that it works) and remove sudo with "apt purge sudo".

> I can't take a screenshot of the related installer screen as that 
> facility has been removed :(

Sounds like an issue with Wayland.  Sorry, I am not familiar with that 
yet myself, but perhaps this helps: 

> New installer does look very nice though,  great work.

Thanks (on behalf of those introducing the new artwork) :-)

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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