On Monday 27 May 2019 03:25:21 pm Brian wrote:

> On Mon 27 May 2019 at 13:42:46 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Monday 27 May 2019 03:46:00 am Curt wrote:
> > > On 2019-05-27, <to...@tuxteam.de> <to...@tuxteam.de> wrote:
> > > > If Network Manager is giving you grief, please go bark up /that/
> > > > tree (I can't say much about N-M, because I banned it from my
> > > > boxes about ten years ago: I was at a customer's, in his LAN via
> > > > an Ethernet, when N-M suddenly saw a WLAN out there, out the
> > > > window and said "oh, let's go online over there" and obliterated
> > > > my network setting in favor of some seedy captive portal. That
> > > > was when I decided that N-M and me, we aren't made for each
> > > > other).
> > >
> > > This is a grave bug. I suppose we can assume from your description
> > > that the seedier the wifi portal, the more likely it is to
> > > spontaneously occur, despite any and all user configuration or
> > > intervention.
> >
> > This would appear to be more common, but as far as filing a bug
> > report, I logged in to do something in 2015, creating a new account
> > at the time, so now it refuses to let me in because the username
> > content rules have been changed and my username is now invalid.  And
> > because it knows my email address, it won't let me create a new
> > account. So its the classic chicken v egg. I am locked out, so I
> > rant on this list.
> Let's get this totally straight. Whatever you logged into was not the
> BTS. No account needs to be set up to report a bug. You can rant as
> much as you want, but whatever you did is now unknown and it is
> extremely doubtful you can supply details.

Then what was I looking at 3 hours ago, looked like a login form to me, 
wanted my username, my real name and my email address. That popped up 
and denied me access when I clicked on add bug in the upper right corner 
of the screen? It flat refused to let me proceed without a valid login.  
Yet you're telling me it should sail right on by just by clicking on the 
add button?

One of us is full of it.

I'd much rather believe your ethernet chips MAC is your passwd because 
you've told it to keep you logged in.

But I am all for hammering on this till it does work...

> And, to make it clear - the BTS is open to anyone without setting up
> an account. Please do not downplay the importance of this when it
> comes to user involvement. Chicken and eggs have nothing to do with
> it; your vague, FUDDY stuff does a disservice to yourself and Debian.

It denied me access. So what the heck am I supposed to do next?  I'm all 

> > So if your are scanning the bugs looking for my submissions, taint
> > gonna happen. I have emailed admin and postmaster to ask that my
> > account be expunged so I can create a new one, but like most such
> > emails its been dumped to /dev/null, or at least ignored. I never
> > got a bounce msg.
> What account?
> > Those bounces I do get are because my ISP's spam filtering is a hell
> > of a lot better than bendels. I have looked at the message bendel
> > claimed was bounced, and with an exception in the last since wheezy
> > time scale, every one of those bounced messages were spam/phishing.
> > So my isp bounces it, and then I get a msg threatening to unsub me
> > from bendel.
> Totally irrelevant.
> > We've also had this discussion several times since 2015. Fix it so I
> > can file a bug report, and you will get bug reports.  Till
> > then.......
> Nothing on the Debian side needs to be fixed. We have tried to fix
> users but some are unfixable. :)

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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