I'm struggling with setup of "stubby" to use DoT(DNS over TLS). I found
a good tutorial by Linuxbabe[1] but it's for Ubuntu. So, I tried to
retro-fit it for Debian and install getdns-utils(which contain
stubby)[4] but don't find any configuration file in /etc folder as
mentioned in tutorial. On IRC @tomreyn[2] mentioned that sid and buster
contains these configuration files[3] whereas, getdns-utils not[4].
Where can I find main configuration file of stubby which is installed
from stable?

If anyone using DoT, How they have setup their system?

[1]: https://www.linuxbabe.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-stubby-dns-over-tls
[2]: https://irclogs.thegrebs.com/debian/2019/06/15#04:04
[3]: https://packages.debian.org/buster/amd64/stubby/filelist
[4]: https://packages.debian.org/stretch/amd64/getdns-utils/filelist


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