On 14/6/19 5:09 pm, Gene Heskett wrote:
On Friday 14 June 2019 01:06:16 am Joe Aquilina wrote:

On Thursday 13 June 2019 09:58:39 pm Joe Aquilina wrote:

Hello all.
A colleague has very recently upgraded his Debian system at home
from Jessie (not sure which version) to Stretch (9.9) and from
that moment, fetchmail has failed to collect emails. I/we are
relatively inexperienced with diagnosing & fixing such problems
and are looking for any advice people here may be able to give us
to overcome this problem. When fetchmail polls the email server,
we get the following error message:

Jun 14 09:21:02 localhost fetchmail[15672]: Your OpenSSL version
does not support SSLv3.Jun 14 09:21:02 localhost
fetchmail[15672]: SSL connection failed.Jun 14 09:21:02 localhost
fetchmail[15672]: socket error while fetching from
cccm...@mail.chem.com.auJun 14 09:21:02
its rather plainly telling you your ssl version is too old.
Perhaps it did not get upgraded with the rest of the system?  Make
sure the security channel for your repo is enabled.
Checked in dpkg, which tells me that fetchmail and openssl are both
upgraded to the current versions.

Is this the relevant section of the sources.list:

deb http://ftp.iinet.net.au/debian/debian/ stretch main

deb http://security.debian.org/ stretch/updates main contrib non-free

This leads me to think that the security channel is enabled, but I
have been known to be wrong about these things.

Anything else I need to be looking for?

I think I would verify that both are using the same version.  You might
even compare the installed .conf files.  Got to be a diff someplace.

My own isp's mailserver is using dovecot, and doesn't use sslv3 just
plain ssl. And because they also serve imap users from the same
accounts, fetchmails DELE is ignored, so I log in daily with a browser
and clean house.  Does your email agent have a "check what the server
supports" function?

I've been known to use that, then transfer those results to fetcmail's

Versions of both programs are the same on both machines. The only difference I can see is that, the machine on which fetchmail is working is an i386 system, while the non-working machine is an amd64 system. So the relevant versions of the programs reflect that.

localhost fetchmail[15672]: Query status=2 (SOCKET)
Below is a copy of the .fetchmailrc file on that system (with any
sensitive data replaced:
set no bouncemail
set postmaster "postmaster_details"

poll email.server.name
         protocol pop3 port 995
         with uidl
         user "username" with password "secret" is
"local_account" here
         with ssl and sslproto 'TLS1+'
         with sslfingerprint
         with keep
         smtpaddress "local_smtp_server"
         mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d %T"

We have a near identical machine here at work, that has been
running Debian 9 for some time, and it is collecting emails from
the relevant email server just fine.
Any thoughts/suggestions welcome. Is there anything else that I
can post here that might give those more knowledgeable than us a
clue as to what we need to do to fix this?
Thanks in advance.
Joe Aquilina
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

Cheers, Gene Heskett

Joe Aquilina
Central Chemical Consulting Pty Ltd
PO Box 2546 Malaga WA 6944 Australia
1/11 Narloo St Malaga 6090 Australia
Tel: +61  8 9248 2739  Fax: +61  8 9248 2749
j...@chem.com.au  www.chem.com.au

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