On Mon, 17 Jun 2019 14:20:33 -0400
Bob Bernstein <poo...@ruptured-duck.com> wrote:

> For a change, I want to proceed with a tad of caution 
> rather than follow Don't RTFM - Wing That Sucker.
> I have an old Jessie running:
> Linux debian.localdomain 3.16.0-7-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.59-1
> (2018-10-03) x86_64 GNU/Linux
> ...and it has been borne in on me that my kernel needs to 
> be retired. This old Jessie dates back to the Bad Old Days 
> of the systemd wars and has no systemd onboard. I am of a 
> mood though to take a Great Leap Forward and install 
> Stretch -- systemd 'n all.
> My untutored instinct is to go through my apt sources.list 
> and replace every instance of 'jessie' with 'stretch,' and 
> leave the rest up to apt-get, but I thought YOU SHOULD ASK 
> Full disclosure: I have not kept up. Are there resources, 
> wikis, etc, dedicated to Upgrading Debian For Dummies?
> All input will be graciously accepted.
Something not mentioned on the Debian pages is that php7 is now
default, and various 'deprecated' features are now gone. If you still
use old php applications, you may find breakage.

Also, having tried a quick two-stage upgrade from wheezy, I found that
FreeRADIUS wouldn't run. I don't know where the changes were made, but
the new version didn't like my old configuration file. I'm not actively
using it at the moment, so I ignored it, and later installed it with
its own configuration file. It runs now, but I suppose I'll have to
spend a week configuring it sometime.


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