I encountered an error during the install of a deb which 
led me to the discovery that my current init system is 
still sysvinit.

The error was:

/sbin/init: invalid option -- '-'
Usage: init {-e VAR[=VAL] | [-t SECONDS] 

Thanks to the wiki:


I determined that in all likelihood I am still using 
sysvinit, which circumstance was responsible for that 

Problem: The wiki article suggests how to switch from 
systemd to sysvinit, but is not forthcoming as to the 
converse change, hence my Subject: line.

How should I approach this change with an eye to maximum 

Thank you

Man is essentially a dreamer, wakened sometimes for a 
moment by some peculiarly obtrusive element in the outer 
world, but lapsing again quickly into the happy somnolence 
of imagination.

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