On Mon 24 Jun 2019 at 11:15:50 (-0700), Ross Boylan wrote:

> 1. Don't ever get in this situation.  It's a mess.
> 2. If you're planning on moving to new hardware, ensure your initrd is
> generated with MODULES=most BEFORE the move.
> 3. Just because initramfs.conf has MODULES=most doesn't mean that's
> what you get.  In my case, conf.d/driver-policy overrode it.

AIUI initramfs.conf will always have MODULES=most unless you yourself
edit it. That's because the d-i always installs the same file
(currently Feb 18 2017 in stretch) and just adds conf.d/driver-policy
(containing MODULES=dep) if you select "targeted".

> 4. Manually constructing or modifying an initrd is pretty delicate business.
> 5. systemd seems to react very badly to a mount failure in fstab.

One strategic decision I've made for years is to always have two root
partitions on all my system disks, rather than just one. This should
make it easier to work out what's missing, by performing an
installation in the new hardware onto the old disk's spare partition.
(Obviously it can also be used for making a fresh installation of a
new Debian release without overwriting the current one.)


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