On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 10:38:10AM +0700, Bagas Sanjaya wrote:
> In this hypothetical scenario, the sudoers rule is applied to ALL systems,
> including production ones, and sysadmins doesn't have proper backups.

On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 08:45:13AM -0000, Curt wrote:
> I'd just get a better hypothetical scenario if I were the OP (they're a
> dime a dozen anyway) because as it stands now his is so completely up
> the wazoo it's really the only sensible advice.

I'm about 30% convinced this is all some sort of elaborate troll.

40% chance this person is just completely incompetent, and these
decisions will mean the end of their employment in this field.

30% chance that it's a language/translation issue, and the actual
intent is not being conveyed correctly, despite repeated requests for

(Tt's probably some combination of the three.)

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