On Fri, Jul 05, 2019 at 06:54:05AM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:


> Its not quite that simple on the arm's. You do the install there by 
> dd'ing the complete filesystem image to the boot media, usually a u-sd, 

so far, so good...

> so you get that crap regardless and must physically remove it before a 

That is not true: Raspbian, for example, has a "normal" Debian repo at
https://archive.raspbian.org. With debootstap, schroot and Qemu you can
build a customized Raspbian system. The firmware (i.e. the binary stuff
needed for the VideoCore IV "co"-processor plus the kernel images can
also be had at https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware.git.

With all that you can build a viable image to "burn" on an SD card, all
from the confort of your powerful desktop machine.

I know because I've done it. My writeup is still pretty incomplete, not
yet fit for publishing, but others have written about it:


How do you think the Raspberry Pi founadion builds its images?

-- tomás

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