On Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 02:16:09PM -0400, deb wrote:
> I have a large static html/AJAX .js apache2 site.
> If I want to have a server-side script just to
> handle a contact <form> and push mail out;
> is there a non-(Django/cgi**/Flask) way to
> run a small Python3 script to do this?

What not cgi? Isn't that the original and minimal
way to accomplish this? 

> The python3 mail script already works standalone (tests out fine from CLI,
> on the server).
> I'd rather not Flask out the whole website just to get the ability to run
> one .py script for contact mail.
> I'd rather not add .php to the server just to do this contact form.
> ** /cgi-bin to run the single python3 script is deprecated [Correct?].

Supported by existing protocols and running millions of


> It is a straight-up HTML5 form ... that USED to post to .aspx.
> <form method="POST"  id='contactForm' action="  ?  " >
> While I would prefer the answer to be python-ish,
> it does to Have to be python.
> Thank you!

Joel Roth

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